Papi’s Pistol won the Kindergarten final and is being prepped for the Governor’s Cup. Off his last two victories, he’ll be among the favorites.
We had a solid sale at Harrisburg.
B Sirius brought an even $50,000 while Sweet Lovin Lou .Papi’s Best Shot and Dancing Daddy brought final bids of $70,000, $100,000 and $160,000 respectively. Thus our four pacers brought $380 cumulatively.
Noticed on the past performance lines in the mixed sale, the breeder’s name is still listed where the owner’s name should be. That should have been changed decades ago as the horse’s owner is hardly a secret anymore.
Especially in these days of multiple ownership.
Noticed that owners statements in many cases were particularly lengthy, and one wonders how many actually get read?
Back in the day, we figured if you couldn’t “HIGHLIGHT” in one or two sentences, it probably wasn’t worth saying.
Still wonder why the “Crown” doesn’t emulate the “Cup” by having races for 2-year-olds only and 3-years old and up rather than separate events for three’s and aged.
Sierra Leone and Fierceness 1-2 in this year’s Cup Classic are both 3-year-olds. Each year all Cup divisional races include competitive sophomores.
The problem with the so-called Gural rule requiring horses to race at four is that while battle hardened as late 3-year-olds, they don’t come back that way as early 4-year-olds especially following the Midwinter layoff. We saw that with Captaintreacherous and Father Patrick neither of which retained true chanpionship form as early 4-year olds.
Captaintreacherous won two of seven starts at four earning $175,371. Father Patrick managed one win in five starts with earnings pf $120,995.
Both went on the stellar stallion careers!
In the old days, there was a traveling series named the HTA series exclusively for 4-year olds enabling them to get a few starts versus each other before attempting the tackle the aged Free For Allers.
Other than Speedy Scot, Overtrick, Bret Hanover, Romeo Hanover and perhaps Cam Fella, it’s hard to think of a returning 4-year-old able to truly dominate the elders immediately upon returning to the races.
Don’t know how it is up North but Florida Sports Talk radio especially Fox, is inundated with commercials advocating sports wagering via Fan Duel, Draft King, and the other wagering sites.
I’d imagine WFAN New York and other primarily sports talk stations are similar to South Florida these days.
Where this leaves “horse” wagering is anybody’s guess though the Thoroughbreds are still holding their own in some areas.
As for Harness? Just look at the betting pools at whatever track you “frequent”. Other than The Meadowlands perhaps, they’re not very deep!
Of course Sports Bettors like Horse Bettors will ultimately complain vehemently about “fixes” and official “mishaps” when losing though much of it will probably be unjustified. Still it’s an issue for the individual “commissioners” to deal with.